You choose to upgrade out of your 15-17 1N, forcing you to overbid slightly on the next round. Partner uses 3C as checkback for spades and 3N showed a doubleton.
The lead is the lowest outstanding club, the opps play 4th best, udca and reverse smith. You cannot trust them to give count in spades since they know you have only 2.
This is very far from a good contract and you’ll need to play well and guess at least as well as you play.
So: do you feel lucky?
I would count South for 17 and open 1NT and probably end up in 2S.
If I did end up in 3NT I'm pretty sure I would mess it up but imagining this layout I would collect the ♣3 in hand then play the ♥K.
Taking the return in hand I would next attack the spades (starting with the ♠Q).
West will then have to be the gift that keeps on giving.