Posted 2024-December-11, 20:26
I'm not sure there was a violation of proprieties. The closest I can get is "might interfere with [declarer's] enjoyment of the game." (74A2), or possibly "showing an obvious lack of further interest in a deal" (or an equivalent action to this "example") (74C6).
This was a joker playing a game. A game that he didn't realize might affect declarer as badly as it did - it's quite possible that he thought his cards were in fact irrelevant and was shocked to find himself winning the last trick. One that, in hindsight, he probably realized was a really bad idea rather than just "not normal, but just joking around".
This kind of situation I am (as regular readers here are probably too well aware) quite familiar with, having done it in a spectacularly embarrassing fashion on at least one occasion. As I am sure has pretty much every bridge player of longevity. "Yeah, that was really dumb, I really should not have done it, I won't do it again." (and at least in my case, I still remember the embarrassment 20 years later. So the punishment - which again was a "good talking to", not an IMP penalty, because it was clear I got it - did its job.)
For an example of a similar "joke" that worked (even if the declarer got the poor end of it), someone on The Other Site has told his story (at least twice) of playing against a married couple, the man of which was clearly getting on his wife's case when it was him that couldn't play. So she put two cards face down, flipped the first one up after dummy played, which won the trick and she led the second. Then put another two cards face down. And repeated this pattern through the play, for 1NT-1. Just as "improper", but worth a penalty?
I'm still telling declarer that next time, they shouldn't play along. Maybe even call the director in case there's something else there besides "they want me to join in on a game that isn't bridge, that I don't really want to play" (for example, if it had happened with 3 tricks left and now declarer's LHO has a choice on what to pitch, "knowing" partner thinks his hand is useless). And if declarer wasn't a new player, my tone might have some of the "well, that was a dumb thing to do. Why would you go along?" in it of my first response.
When I go to sea, don't fear for me, Fear For The Storm -- Birdie and the Swansong (tSCoSI)