jdiana, on 2024-December-13, 14:36, said:
I was just wondering about this the other day - how should a "bust" be defined? My old notes say "less than two queens", so we would bid 2♦ with two queens, or a singleton king (or ace, of course) but bid 2♥ (bust) with QJx. It sounds like mikeh defines it as lacking an ace or king.
How do others define it? Do methods make a difference, i.e., is it different if you play 2♥ as an immediate negative, or the old-fashioned "cheaper minor" as a double negative, or birthright/Kokish?
I’ve long played 2H as denying any control….A or King. It serves to let opener know, on huge hands, whether it’s worth exploring for slam.
The only drawback I’ve experienced is when opener has 25+ hcp, or a good 24 (ok, any 24 is ‘good’ but I mean ‘above average’).
Then opener is forced to bid 3N. And this could be just ‘9 tricks on any lead’ so responder can’t stayman or transfer with most hands on which he’d like to do so.
I played this method for 40 years and hardly ever had that arise but it’s happened five or six times in the last year! Probably in part because I’ve been playing more.
This is a big flaw, although we’ve been lucky so far and haven’t suffered any disasters. However, I’m yet to find an alternative that appeals. I truly detest 2D waiting then cheapest minor or cheapest 3 level suit over opener’s 3m rebid as ‘second negative’. I think it’s simply bad for responder to take two rounds of bidding, making two artificial bids, to define his strength and not even getting started on bidding shape. Otoh, it neatly solves the big balanced hand v ‘I can take 9 tricks’ issue….you can play birthright over the waiting 2D with the balanced hand and, if you choose, use 3N as ‘to play’, subject of course to responder having a good hand.
Btw, pure control showing responses have similar problems….the bidding can get too high too quickly before responder can bid shape….and opener sometimes can’t even introduce his major below the 3 level.
Btw, 2H isn’t necessarily ‘negative’. I was given a hand the other day….x Qxx QJ10xxx QJx. 2C 2H 2N 3S 3N 4D….2H no ace or king, 3S forces 3N, 4D long diamonds, some interest in 5D or 6D. It was trivial for opener to drive to slam and equally trivial to avoid grand.
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari