Invisible kibitzing
Posted 2022-February-16, 08:53
If this is possible, is there anyway of stopping this while still allowing others to watch?
Posted 2022-February-18, 09:29
Posted 2022-February-19, 06:47
sandiem, on 2022-February-16, 08:53, said:
If this is possible, is there anyway of stopping this while still allowing others to watch?
The kibitzers are visible to the table and to the TD. Even if someone is logged on invisible, you can see them in the list of kibitzers.
What can be done to stop it: like Barry says, if the organizers want to ensure security, they should not allow kibitzers. If it's a social game for fun, then it's enjoyable to allow kibs. so it really depends on the type of game.
ACBL and BBO "serious" games never allow kibitzers. The social ones or teaching sessions always allow.
Posted 2022-February-21, 10:36
diana_eva, on 2022-February-19, 06:47, said:
A useful start would be to have the list of kibitzers available to each organiser.
Perhaps making that list public (along with results ?) may deter a few who are kibitzing for self gain.
Posted 2022-February-23, 12:17
Bri_and, on 2022-February-21, 10:36, said:
Perhaps making that list public (along with results ?) may deter a few who are kibitzing for self gain.
The list is visible to the organizer. There are no invisible kibitzers.
All kibitzers are visible unless they are "yellows", which are either BBO staff or people working for the various bridge organizations who organize games on BBO (for example ACBL helpers for virtual acbl club managers).
Posted 2022-February-23, 16:03
Posted 2022-February-23, 18:36
diana_eva, on 2022-February-23, 12:17, said:
All kibitzers are visible unless they are "yellows", which are either BBO staff or people working for the various bridge organizations who organize games on BBO (for example ACBL helpers for virtual acbl club managers).
Are the yellows and other organizers "captured" as kibitzing particular tables? There was just a case where a top Italian director/official was caught sneaking into the duplication room at a live event, not the same thing as nefarious kibitzing, but comparable.
Posted 2022-February-24, 15:30
johnu, on 2022-February-23, 18:36, said:
It is the bridge organization's responsibility to ensure its employees are reliable... If we find someone is misusing their extra permissions, we take measures but it's not our responsibility to supervise other orgs' employees.
Posted 2022-February-24, 19:31
diana_eva, on 2022-February-24, 15:30, said:
All well and good, but why are yellow and other "officials" kibitzing at all and not being recorded as kibitzing? It would be closing a loophole to just show everybody who is kibitzing at all times. If they wanted to be anonymous, they could log in anonymously.
Posted 2022-February-25, 14:39
johnu, on 2022-February-24, 19:31, said:
I think the intent of this may be to allow monitoring without the players knowing. If you're trying to catch cheaters, you don't want them to be warned that they're under surveillance.
Posted 2022-February-25, 20:09
barmar, on 2022-February-25, 14:39, said:
I thought BBO already had access to the IP addresses, bid and play records, timing of bids and plays, alerts, and chat without kibitzing.
Posted 2022-February-28, 14:44
Posted 2025-March-28, 09:34