As this is the N/B forum, ask yourself how you would handle this if you wre a novice
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Don't overcomplicate it
Posted Yesterday, 13:04
Cyberyeti, on 2025-March-03, 12:52, said:
Played a teams event at the weekend, what should have been the most routine board of the day was this one:
As this is the N/B forum, ask yourself how you would handle this if you wre a novice
As this is the N/B forum, ask yourself how you would handle this if you wre a novice
I've got 25 points and a stopper so will bid 3N, but someone be told me I need 2 stoppers so will X, but the preempter is going down so will Pass. The musing of a N/B😁
Posted Yesterday, 14:24
This does seem pretty straightforward, even for me. Even N/B players usually have some kind of ace- or keycard-asking bid. Assuming 4NT would be either RKC or old-fashioned Blackwood, I'd bid it, looking for the grand. If I wasn't confident about bidding 4NT, I'd just bid 6NT. Even if I can't follow up with a queen ask, if we have the ♠A, I'm bidding 7NT. (I'm assuming, since we're N/B players, that our preempts are reasonably sound.)
Posted Yesterday, 14:34
jdiana, on 2025-March-03, 14:24, said:
This does seem pretty straightforward, even for me. Even N/B players usually have some kind of ace- or keycard-asking bid. Assuming 4NT would be either RKC or old-fashioned Blackwood, I'd bid it, looking for the grand. If I wasn't confident about bidding 4NT, I'd just bid 6NT. Even if I can't follow up with a queen ask, if we have the ♠A, I'm bidding 7NT. (I'm assuming, since we're N/B players, that our preempts are reasonably sound.)
This was what I thought, second seat preempt should be fairly sound, we bid 3♠-4N-5♦(1/4)-5♥(Q?)-6♠(yes)-7N
Partner had AQJxxxx, J, random 3-2 for 14 top tricks, the traveller showed 7 grands, 5 small slams
Posted Yesterday, 17:37
Posted Yesterday, 18:06
jdiana, on 2025-March-03, 14:24, said:
. (I'm assuming, since we're N/B players, that our preempts are reasonably sound.)
I would not be so sure.
"And no matter what methods you play, it is essential, for anyone aspiring to learn to be a good player, to learn the importance of bidding shape properly." MikeH
“Let me put it in words you might understand,” he said. “Mr. Trump, f–k off!” Anders Vistisen
“Let me put it in words you might understand,” he said. “Mr. Trump, f–k off!” Anders Vistisen
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