As this is the N/B forum, ask yourself how you would handle this if you wre a novice
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Don't overcomplicate it
Posted Today, 13:04
Cyberyeti, on 2025-March-03, 12:52, said:
Played a teams event at the weekend, what should have been the most routine board of the day was this one:
As this is the N/B forum, ask yourself how you would handle this if you wre a novice
As this is the N/B forum, ask yourself how you would handle this if you wre a novice
I've got 25 points and a stopper so will bid 3N, but someone be told me I need 2 stoppers so will X, but the preempter is going down so will Pass. The musing of a N/B😁
Posted Today, 14:24
This does seem pretty straightforward, even for me. Even N/B players usually have some kind of ace- or keycard-asking bid. Assuming 4NT would be either RKC or old-fashioned Blackwood, I'd bid it, looking for the grand. If I wasn't confident about bidding 4NT, I'd just bid 6NT. Even if I can't follow up with a queen ask, if we have the ♠A, I'm bidding 7NT. (I'm assuming, since we're N/B players, that our preempts are reasonably sound.)
Posted Today, 14:34
jdiana, on 2025-March-03, 14:24, said:
This does seem pretty straightforward, even for me. Even N/B players usually have some kind of ace- or keycard-asking bid. Assuming 4NT would be either RKC or old-fashioned Blackwood, I'd bid it, looking for the grand. If I wasn't confident about bidding 4NT, I'd just bid 6NT. Even if I can't follow up with a queen ask, if we have the ♠A, I'm bidding 7NT. (I'm assuming, since we're N/B players, that our preempts are reasonably sound.)
This was what I thought, second seat preempt should be fairly sound, we bid 3♠-4N-5♦(1/4)-5♥(Q?)-6♠(yes)-7N
Partner had AQJxxxx, J, random 3-2 for 14 top tricks, the traveller showed 7 grands, 5 small slams
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