suit symbol shortcuts in Windows 7 version of Word - suit symbol shortcuts
Posted 2012-February-25, 12:09
Posted 2012-February-25, 16:37
bridgeladd, on 2012-February-25, 12:09, said:
Not a Word 2010 expert but this will work.
go insert->symbols -> other symbols
find ♣ and click on
press [shortcut key] a window will popup
press the key combination you want to use
I used alt-Q for ♣ alt-w for ♦ alt-e for ♥ alt-r for ♠, but anything unansigned will do
press assign
press close
repeat for other suits
Posted 2012-February-25, 18:07
[ sp ] for ♠
[ he ] for ♥
[ di ] for ♦
[ cl ] for ♣
"If you're driving [the Honda S2000] with the top up, the storm outside had better have a name."
Simplify the complicated side; don't complify the simplicated side.
Posted 2012-February-26, 04:34
steve2005, on 2012-February-25, 16:37, said:
go insert->symbols -> other symbols
find ♣ and click on
press [shortcut key] a window will popup
press the key combination you want to use
I used alt-Q for ♣ alt-w for ♦ alt-e for ♥ alt-r for ♠, but anything unansigned will do
press assign
press close
repeat for other suits
Well, this is what i have been doing. I have now tried using your choice of shortcuts but absolutely nothing. I am getting desperate. Do you have a full version of Word of one that came with windows?
Posted 2012-February-26, 13:58
bridgeladd, on 2012-February-26, 04:34, said:
i have a full word 2010. You probably have the one that comes with the computer i guess, that doesnt have outlook.
Should work with that too though, the word part is the same
Posted 2012-February-27, 09:33
Posted 2012-February-27, 10:00
For uncoloured symbols, probably the easiest way is to add four new entries to the AutoCorrect dictionary. At one time, the only other way was editing a text file that listed the assignments of keys to characters but it may have gotten easier recently (they have finally added support for Alt+key shortcuts after years of complaints.)
I am sorry to say this is one of the few things I found much harder to do in OpenOffice than in MS Office. As a result I switched to doing almost all my bridge writing in LaTeX rather than a word processor.
Posted 2012-February-27, 13:55
S2000magic, on 2012-February-25, 18:07, said:
[ sp ] for ♠
[ he ] for ♥
[ di ] for ♦
[ cl ] for ♣
Nominate this as "read the question before you answer"-award of 2012.

Posted 2012-December-11, 21:28
Posted 2012-December-12, 11:19
Taven, on 2012-December-11, 21:28, said:
What does Mobile BBO have to do Microsoft Word?
The syntax with square brackets is only for the BBO Forums. In the BBO apps, you use !S, !H, !D, !C. And in Word, you follow the other answers.
Posted 2012-December-12, 16:26
Siegmund, on 2012-February-27, 10:00, said:
OK, I have an answer of sorts for LibreOffice, the new OpenOffice. It uses auto-correct.
It can't do it for symbols embedded in text, such as 3♥, but you can set it up for the texts complete. So create on a page 1♥ 2♥ 3♥ etc, using "insert / special character...", selecting for your font the subset "miscellaneous symbols" and choosing the suit. This is then black, so select/highlight it with mouse drag and change the colour as you want it. Then for each combinationtext such as 3♥, highlight it and "tools / autocorrect options...", replace. The selected text will be in the "with" box and will look black. Enter the characters you want substituted (such as 3!h or maybe just 3h is better), in the "replace" box, and click the "new" button.
Then when you later type 1c 1s 2h it appears as 1♣ 1♠ 2♥ in full colour. Tedious to initially set up, but better than inserting or copy/pasting characters each time.
Posted 2012-December-12, 20:55
Go to Insets-->Symbols-->More Symbols-->Symbols[tab]
Find the card symbols in the font you want (Say Arial)-->Select the symbol, say ♠
-->Autocorrect[button]--> replace !S with [chosen symbol ♠].
These changes are saved to your normal template. Be sure autocorrect is on.
Now every time you type !S, ♠ will show up (in black).
!H = ♥
!D = ♦
!C = ♣
Still working on color.....
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District 11
Unit 124
Steve Moese
Posted 2012-December-13, 05:07
Now I have been doing bridge notes using the coloured substitutions, I certainly am finding it easier to just type 2c for example, rather than messing around with the shift key or capitals. If I want to write " 3D film " the capitalised version is not substituted. Works well. If you really did want literally 2c, such as for a section heading in lower case, then you can get that by typing 2 c then later going back to delete the space.