1D as semipositive, 1H as negative
Posted 2012-December-19, 13:22
One nice thing about this structure is that the relays for positives and semipositives are identical. It's just that opener breaks relays with the former to show his own pattern and in the latter to announce hearts and a limited hand.
One thought I had was to raise the responding requirements to that which Moscito uses (GF=6+ QPs, SP=3-5, DN=0-2) which would help offset the space this structure has awarded the weaker hands at the expense of the GF hands.
.....1D-2-4 QPs
..........1H-natural or ask
...............1S-bal, C, D, C/D, C/D/M
.........................other-natural with hearts
...............1N-S, S/C, S/D
...............2C-S/H or S/H/m
..........1S-natural, limited, probably forcing
..........2H-4H/5C (this is to avoid rebid problems after 1C-1D, 1H-1N)
.....1H-0-1 QPs
....................1N-no 6-cd suit?
.........................P-17-18? split ranges nicely but wrongsides
..............................2L-to play
...............1N-bal (19-21?)
..........1S-bal, C, D, C/D, C/D/M
...............2C-S/H, S/H/m
..........1N-S, S/C, S/D
..........2C-S/H, S/H/m
....................2N-6H, bal
Posted 2012-December-19, 14:40
Posted 2012-December-20, 09:04
Posted 2012-December-24, 12:48
1H-natural or GF relay. If natural, it can handle longer clubs because...1C-1H, 1N-3C would show this and
.....if the clubs aren't so great, opener can just raise to 2N.
1S-natural, could be canape
.....1N-not forcing
..........2C-natural, canape
..........2D-natural, canape
..........2N-invitational, 5S/4m
.....2S-3+ spades?
..........3 other-canape?
.....2N-game forcing
.....other-game forcing
One of the core issues seems to be whether it's right for responder to raise spades with three spades. Anyway, we have to be miles ahead of Meckwell here who 1) don't know that responder has 5-7 hcps and whose continuations after 1C-1D, 1S are something like...
1n-0-4 any
2C-5-7, less than 3 spades
2D-5-7, 3+ spades
2H-5-7, 5 hearts
2S-0-4, 4 spades
Posted 2012-December-24, 16:08
P-very weak, 3 spades
1N-nf, could have 5 hearts without a rebid
.........2H-5 hearts, 0-1 spade
..........2H-5 hearts,0-1 spade
2C-artificial GF
2D-six hearts OR plans rebid
.....2H-no fit
..........2S-3 spades, nf but constructive
2H-five hearts, 2 spades
2S-3 spades, medium
2N-4 spades
3m-good suit
Posted 2012-December-27, 01:47
P P 1C P
1D-5-7 hcps
.....1H-natural or GF relay
..........1S-bal, C/D, C, C/D/M, D
...............1N-GF relay
...............2C-H/C, nf
....................2D-to play
....................2S-artificial GF
....................3H-invitational, four hearts
...............2D-H/D, nf
....................2S-artificial GF
....................3C-to play
....................3D-invitational, four diamonds
....................3H-invitational, four hearts
...............2H-six hearts
....................2S-artificial GF
..........1N-S/C, S, S/D
...............2C-GF relay
...............2D-H/D, nf
....................2S-6 spades
....................3C-artificial GF
...............2H-6 hearts
....................2S-6 spades
...............2S-3 spades
....................3C-four clubs
....................3D-artificial GF
....................3H-four hearts
...............3S-4 spades (4414 or 4441)
..........2C-H/S/m, H/S
...............2D-GF relay
...............2H-GF relay
...............2S-GF relay
.....1S-nf, 4+ spades unbalanced
..........2C-6C (odd but I think is right)
..........2S-3S (odd but again seems to work)
...............2N-4144, invitational
...............3C-4S/5C, invitational
...............3D-4S/5D, invitational
...............3H-5S/4H, invitational
...............3S-5S, invitational
..........2N-artificial GF
.....2C-clubs, limited
.....2D-diamonds, limited
.....2H-4S/5H, limited
.....2S-4S/6H, limited
.....2N-5D/5C, limited
.....P-hearts (could be 4S/5H)
.....1S-asks 1N or responder to name 6-cd suit
..........1N-no 6-cd suit
...............2C-to play
...............2D-to play
...............2H-5S/4H, nf
...............2S-to play
.....2C-asks major
..........2D-four+ hearts
...............2H-2 hearts, 22-23
...............2S-4 spades, 3 hearts, 22-23
...............2N-3 hearts, 22-23
...............3m-4 spades, 5+m
...............3H-4 hearts
..........2H-four+ spades
...............2S-2 spades, 22-23
...............2N-3 spades, 22-23
...............3m-4 hearts, 5+ m
...............3S-4 spades
..........2S-no major
...............3m-5+ m
.....2D-5+ hearts, lightly invitational+
.....2H-5+ spades, lightly invitational+
.....2N-24+, GF
1S-GF, bal, C/D, C, C/D/M, D
...............2H-reverse relay, H
...............etc-reverse relay, H/D
.....2C-reverse relay, S/C
.....2D-reverse relay, S
.....etc-reverse relay, S/D
1N-GF, S/C, S, S/D
2C-GF, S/H/m, S/H
2D-GF, H/C
2H-GF, H
etc-GF, H/D
Posted 2012-December-27, 20:33
straube, on 2012-December-27, 01:47, said:
Is this split optimal? Would 4-7/0-3 or 3.5-7/0-3.5 be better?
Posted 2012-December-27, 21:20
glen, on 2012-December-27, 20:33, said:
You're pointing out that 4-7/0-3 would be a more equal division. Good point. Not sure, but I think Meckwell divide 0-7 into 0-4 and 6-7 with 5 being a judgment call. I think that 0-4 and 5-7 is pretty good because it's rare to have 0 or 1 point, so with 0-4 you can usually assume 3 and be about right.
We actually use relay points (A=3, K=2, Q=1). A GF is 5+, a DN is 0-2 and a semipositive is 2-4. With 2 we are allowed judgment depending on whether we have useful jacks or spot cards or distribution.
What do you think of the basic approach? I thought it would get more interest but oh well.
Posted 2012-December-28, 04:34
straube, on 2012-December-27, 21:20, said:
What do you think of the basic approach? ...
The basic approach is great, and I especially like the use of relay points (sometimes called ZZ or AKQ points). I prefer to play the semipositive as 2-4 ZZ, and the DN as 0-1.
Posted 2013-January-07, 16:13
A better approach is to partition the hands into potential DN / SP+ / GF hands (a la IMPrecision).
While it's true that the SP responses don't create a forcing pass situation, it's a small disadvantage compared to the frequent awkward situations created after a 1C - 1H (SP). Yes, there are more band aids available after 1C - 1H (SP), but a kludge is just a kludge.
Posted 2013-January-08, 05:43
............1D semipositive.....................Meckwell
So Meckwell is concentrated in 1D and 2D responses. I think this is awful.
Then I looked at Imprecision for PH with (unfortunately) an entirely new set of hands. and came up with...
which is probably the best looking distribution graph of the three. Sorry Adam if my tally is not quite right. It was only a hundred hands.
I think I'm probably with Atul in saying that Imprecision is better in 3rd/4th seat. I think it's close, but I'd rather be splitting up a 5-10 pt range between hearts, spades, and other holdings as opposed to splitting the range between 5-7 and 8-10. Now 1D semipositive has the compensation that the 8-10s show suit information AND a GF right away. Still, I think almost everyone would choose the suit information first and narrowing strength later. I still think 1D semipositive is a big improvement over 1D 0-7 in 3/4 and is pretty simple.