Reverse auctions (well, auctions in general, but hey) can be tricky even with a regular partner - virtually impossible with a pickup partner. But when it's just some quick fun, sometimes you have no choice.
On board 3 I picked up a nice 1246 16-count and decided I was strong enough to reverse into diamonds.
First up, I had to guess whether 2NT was lebensohl, whether 2♠ would be the weakness bid, or whether partner didn't really have a system. Luckily, my bid seemed to be 3♣ either way - but should I pass 3♥? I decided it would be safest. 3NT is down 1, though would require excellent defense to beat, and 3♥ was just making, so it worked out OK (though partner misplayed it for down 2).
The very next board, I am rather surprised to pick up an even better hand - a 2146 18 count.
OK, this time 3♥ must be some strength, but it's still a bit of a misfit. Do I stop at 3NT? I don't like it, so I bid 4♣. Is a jump to 5♦ weak or strong? Who knows, but let's give slam a try. Oh dear, a 4-3 fit - but it's somehow cold and I manage to bring it home.
Would you believe it, the very next board I'm staggered to pick up a 1345 20-count. I am very close to misclicking on my second bid, since I'm laughing out loud too hard, but I manage to reverse into diamonds for a third consecutive time.
Still not having a clue what system we were playing, I played for time with 2NT, but after 3♥ took the plunge into an ice-cold slam. Sadly, partner drew trumps without realising one spade ruff was all that was required (Edit - actually, the club break was pretty unlucky; drawing trumps may well be the right line anyway - hadn't really looked too closely.)
An interesting match for sure.