We missed an awesome game here (IMPs). ATB?
Posted 2019-June-04, 03:55
We missed an awesome game here (IMPs). ATB?
George Carlin
Posted 2019-June-04, 04:01
Posted 2019-June-04, 04:24
North could be as weak as ♠- ♥87654 ♦65432 ♣J104 and you're still a favourite for 10 tricks.
Posted 2019-June-04, 04:25
South does not need any spade support, a void is good enough to play the suit for 1 loser. You have a decent play for 4♠ with almost anything from North:
which is never going to voluntarily raise to 4♠.
Posted 2019-June-04, 04:28
Posted 2019-June-04, 08:20
Posted 2019-June-04, 09:15
Yes, North can realize, by the 3H call, that partner is void in hearts and that the club King is useful, but so what? 2S was a gross underbid, and North should view the 2S bid as limited. AKJ9xx void KQx Axxx is a very solid double then 2S, and 4S is not exactly the contract of one's dreams. Yes, the 3S bid gives another chance, but all it does is move the hand to the max for 2S: it doesn't announce that 2S was an error. So now maybe AKxxxxx void KQx Axx: still a bad game.
Sure, a jump to 4S could get doubled or could turn a small plus into a small minus, but so what?
Posted 2019-June-04, 09:25
mikeh, on 2019-June-04, 09:15, said:
Yes, North can realize, by the 3H call, that partner is void in hearts and that the club King is useful, but so what? 2S was a gross underbid, and North should view the 2S bid as limited. AKJ9xx void KQx Axxx is a very solid double then 2S, and 4S is not exactly the contract of one's dreams. Yes, the 3S bid gives another chance, but all it does is move the hand to the max for 2S: it doesn't announce that 2S was an error. So now maybe AKxxxxx void KQx Axx: still a bad game.
Sure, a jump to 4S could get doubled or could turn a small plus into a small minus, but so what?
Mike, what do you think X then a jump to 3♠ is ? 9 tricks ? 8.5 ?
Posted 2019-June-04, 09:25
100% South, as said.
Posted 2019-June-04, 10:02
Cyberyeti, on 2019-June-04, 09:25, said:
I'd be torn between bidding 4S myself and simply bidding 3S, both after starting with a double. If red, I think one has to simply bid game. When partner cannot possibly tell when his meagre assets are all you need, stopping on a dime in 3S is imo losing bridge, especially since we have such good trump texture and both minor aces that the opps cannot realistically double.
void xxxxx xxxxx J10x is a great game, while of course void xxxxx J10xxx xxx is pretty hopeless.
non-vul, the odds are different and now missing a close game is not at all bad, although if you watch high-level bridge it seems that the winning teams are usually in all these games. Edit: I think one reason for this is that the toughest part of the game, even or perhaps especially at the high-level in long matches, is defence and one can get worn out if the opps continually bid close games, where you 'should' beat it but a moment's loss of focus or simply a mis-read of the hand leads to a make. Even when one defends perfectly, the level of effort required can have a cumulative effect. Don't ever kid yourself that fatigue is not an issue at the highest levels. Having to cope with 1H (4S) P P ? is far more taxing than any of the auctions suggested on this thread, starting with double. End edit and segue into the next part of the post, written before the edit)
Actually, when I first saw the problem, my reaction was that I would have bid 4S over 1H, and then would have doubled had they pulled to the 5-level, to show that I was bidding to make, with cards on the side. I went along with the double then bid, in order to address the ATB, since while I tend to prefer 4S, one can hardly argue that double was an error.
I do think that 4S has a far better upside than anything else. Slam is remote after RHO opened, and I am doubtful that we could bid it anyway. Give partner xxx xxxx xxx KJx and slam is good, since the diamond K rates to be onside, yet are we ever bidding it?
Meanwhile, the slow route allows the opps to limit their hands, and thus we won't be doubled in a making game nor will we collect a number (possibly when our game was failing). Bid 4S and it goes P P to opener.....he may well have a hand on which he will feel he has to reopen, usually via double, and now we may have a fielder's choice.
The expert game these days is as much about inducing error on the part of the opponents as it is about bidding one's hands perfectly. 4S has a lot going for it, and very little against it, unless one was thinking of allowing partner to bail out on us at the 3-level.
Posted 2019-June-04, 11:37
HardVector, on 2019-June-04, 11:19, said:
Unfortunately for you, it is extremely unlikely that you would be permitted to cuebid 3H (over their 2H) and then be allowed to bid 3S. You'd need LHO to double 3H for you!
Now, a classic error by non-expert players is the fatuous double of a cuebid, so it is possible, but I would not count on it when deciding how best to show my hand over 2H

In any event, to me a double then cue is gf. I would need a stronger hand that the one I hold in order to double then cue.
AKQJxxx void AQx AQx is a double then cue then bid. Can't happen?
In a recent KO match my LHO held AQ9x KJ9 AK AKQx, red v white, and I opened 1S in front of him (as did my counterpart at the other table, both holding KJ10xx xxx xxx xx)
That was a double then cue hand

Posted 2019-June-04, 13:23
I'm also torn between simply bidding 4 ♠ after 2 ♥ or bidding 3 ♠ and hoping partner can bid 4 ♠.
The 2 ♠ free bid should show the 16-18 strong overcall and South's is a much stronger player than that. It is a 2 loser hand if you use basic LTC. If East had passed, I'd have no problem opening a strong 2 ♣ bid on the hand.
To me, a 3 ♠ jump rebid after 2 ♥ says "Partner if you have any card at all that may be useful, don't hesitate to bid game." North with ♣ Kxx and a ♠ should bid game in a flash.
OTOH, the South hand is such a big player that even giving partner a chance to pass below game may be a mistake.
At MPs, the decision might be a harder one. At IMPs I think I'm probably more apt to make a 4 ♠ game try -- bid game and try to make it.
If the bidding were lower on the second round where South could cue 2 ♥ to show a strong 2 ♣ type hand, I'd make that bid. But I think that cueing 3 ♥ over East's 2 ♥ bid isn't right as it takes up too much room and might get us too high before we settle in ♠.
Posted 2019-June-04, 15:23
George Carlin
Posted 2019-June-04, 16:11

Hi gwnn!!!
Posted 2019-June-04, 18:08
Posted 2019-June-04, 19:06
nige1, on 2019-June-04, 17:35, said:
gwnn writes 'Hey, I've recently started playing live again (first time in almost 4 years) so I might be around from time to time, trying to re-adjust my brain to non-GIBs
We missed an awesome game here (IMPs). ATB?'
Welcome back, Gwnn! If North holds ...
-- ♠ - ♥ x x x x ♦ x x x x x ♣ x x x x then 4♠ is reasonable
-- ♠ - ♥ x x x ♦ x x x x ♣ x x x x x x then 6♣ by South is reasonable
TylerE, on 2019-June-04, 18:08, said:
TylerE has a point but, IMO, In practical IMPs play, both contracts are reasonable. e,g. Defenders might lead a minor.
- In 4♠, ♣K might be doubleton or the 3rd ♣ might endplay LHO. Otherwise, if ♣s are 3-2, declarer might enter dummy with the 4th round of ♣s to finesse ♦Q.
- In 6♣, ♠A or ♣K might be favorably placed. After ruffing the opening ♥ lead, declarer can lead .♠K and ruff it to take the ♣ finesse
Posted 2019-June-05, 03:05
Too much rubber bridge in my background to bid less as with a nice hand (never happens) partner can look for more.
Posted 2019-June-05, 04:23
Maarten Baltussen
gwnn writes 'Hey, I've recently started playing live again (first time in almost 4 years) so I might be around from time to time, trying to re-adjust my brain to non-GIBs
We missed an awesome game here (IMPs). ATB?'
Welcome back, Gwnn! If North holds ...
-- ♠ - ♥ x x x x ♦ x x x x x ♣ x x x x then 4♠ is reasonable
-- ♠ - ♥ x x x ♦ x x x x ♣ x x x x x x then 6♣ by South is reasonable